But, in mid-December, our SabbaticalHomes website distracted us from our home improvement fantasies with an inquiry about a home exchange in Haifa, Israel. So…here we go again!
We are trading with a couple who are both social workers – he has his doctorate, teaches in the MSW at University of Haifa, overseeing the graduate school field placements (see, it was meant to be…) with a special focus on juvenile delinquency prevention (the similarities just go on…) and she has an administrative position at Technion. They have a flat in the hills with a view of the Mediterranean. In addition to trading houses, we are also trading cars this time.
In an interesting coincidence, I was talking to my cousin Robbie (in addition to being cousins, we grew up 2 blocks from each other in San Carlos) about the trip and she mentioned she was having lunch with a family friend, Laurie Kaplan, who grew up in San Mateo but was now living in Haifa, and asked if I wanted her to mention our trip. I recognized the name as her family was close with my friend Dana’s family, so I often saw her at Dana’s birthday parties. I gave Robbie the address of where we will be staying – turns out it is across the street from where Laurie lives. So we have been emailing and plan to “meet” (don’t imagine we will recognize each other from Dana’s 8 year old birthday party…) for coffee when we arrive and she will help us plan our day trips.

We will be in Haifa (photo above) from July 10 to July 27, then will spend the remainder of the time (until August 8) in Jerusalem where we are able to use my Uncle Herb and Aunt Marianne’s vacation home there (Thanks SO much!!). We promised them that they can come and stay in Pleasanton ANY time they would like (they live only 25 minutes away from us but they are still welcome!).
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We will try to keep you up to date on our adventures with the requisite photos, travel logs, and who knows - maybe even another “loo” story!
Lisa and Jim
(** for new visitors to our blog their are Loo stories from our past two trips - you can find them here in previous posts: first one is May 28th, 2009 and the 2nd one is "Another Loo Story" on 8/12/2010 - Enjoy a good laugh - be sure to read in chronological order!)
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