Yesterday (Wednesday) we took the train in to Paris. Last time we were here (18 years ago) it was late March, so city looks quite different with leaves on the trees. Since we were doing lots of walking we took a foot-break and did the boat tour on the Seine. Completely different views of Paris, including some interesting sculptures on the under sides of the many bridges. You can see the "mocking" sculptures representing the attitude at the time that the bridge was a bad idea and would not last.

And we also learned interesting facts like: Do you know how many stairs there are in the Eiffel Tower and why? Answer will be at end of blog
We couldn't resist a return visit to Notre Dame, although a lot more tourists this time. We also couldn't resist a return visit to the "best" ice cream in Paris, Berthillon on the Isle St Louis. Just like we had our favorite pastry in Portugal, we have discovered our favorite ice cream flavor in France - salted caramel, and as good as it has been elsewhere, at Berthillon it is to die for.
In spite of visits to stores and shops along the way in Portugal and Barcelona, we decided to save our "shopping euros" for Paris. Here you can see us doing our thing. Janet had preselected the shopping spot (in the Marais district) and we both found some french fashion statements.

Here you can see Janet and Gilles home - it is a lovely setting that feels very "in the country" yet just a short walk from the train station.

One of the side benefits to our timing of this trip is that the days are VERY LONG right now - we are much further north than California. So here we are eating dinner and the sunlight at 9:30 p.m.

Doesn't really get dark till around 10:30 p.m. Makes for a nice long day of touring and talking.
Today we are off to museums, and probably more ice cream...Friday we will drive up to Bruges for an overnight, and then spend the day in Antwerpen on Saturday.
Answer: 1789 steps in the Eiffel Tower to commemorate the French Revolution! That is your fun fact for the day.
My comments couldn't be posted so I am testing.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I shall re-write. Lisa, you are worthy of a position with Frommer (name correct?), the famous travel writer. Your commentary and photos are wonderful. By the way, is it sunny every day in Europe? Seems so by your photos.
ReplyDeleteI love the seems large and charming.
Please wear the French "rags" (haha!)when we see you or bring them along in a bag. I'd love to see the fashion. Jim's sharp European blazer from Loehmann's couldn't possibly be outdone!
Have you tried salted caramel at Br-Rite Creamery on 18th Street in the Mission, near Delfina's? It would be fun to compare.
We returned a day and a half ago from Jamaica so I am trying to catch up.
Au revior (spelling?...I don't do French)